The filing of a final return will not legally terminate a business and will not end its requirement to file and pay taxes. The entity is still required to submit the Certificate of Dissolution/Cancellation document to the California Secretary of State (SOS)  to close/withdraw their business. If you filed a corporate or Limited Liability Company (LLC) return (100, 100S, 100W, or 568) and marked it final the next step is to make sure the proper documents have been filed with the SOS.
Simple 3-step process:

  • Step one: Go to the California SOS bizfile page.
  • Step two: find your entity
    You can search by either the LP/LLC/Corporation Name or Entity Number.
  • Step three: confirm the entity’s status

If the status is Active?
You business entity may avoid the minimum franchise or annual tax for current and subsequent taxable years if it fulfills all of the following requirements:

  • File its final franchise or annual tax return timely, including extension, for the preceding taxable year and mark it final.
  • Conduct no business after the last day of the preceding taxable year.
  • File the appropriate termination documents with the SOS within 12 months of the filing date of its final tax return.

As stated in our June 2019 – All about business article SOS’ bizfile allows authorized individuals to terminate LLCs Online.
What if you filed a timely return, but did not check the box as a final return?  If the return for the preceding taxable year is their final return, no worries. Send the FTB the following (applies to all entities):

  • A letter stating the entity did not conduct any business after the last day of the preceding taxable year.
  • Attach a copy of the Certificate of Dissolution, Surrender, or Cancellation showing the date SOS granted the dissolution, surrender, or cancellation and that it was done within 12 months of the filing date of the timely final tax return.
Send the letter and documentation to:
Franchise Tax Board
P.O. Box 942857
Sacramento, CA 94257-0540