
Get ready for taxes: What to do before the tax year ends Dec. 31

As tax filing season approaches, taxpayers should remember there are things they can do before the end of the year. Doing these will help people get ready for the upcoming tax filing season. Here are a few things taxpayers still have time to do this year: Donate to charity For those who plan to itemize [...]

By |2019-12-17T17:21:43-08:00December 17th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Get ready for taxes: What to do before the tax year ends Dec. 31

Get ready for taxes: Here’s what to know about getting a tax refund

Tax returns, like snowflakes and thumbprints are unique and individual. So too, is each taxpayer’s refund. This is something for taxpayers to remember next year when someone they know says or posts on social media about receiving a federal tax refund. Even though the IRS issues most refunds in less than 21 days, it’s possible [...]

By |2019-12-12T19:43:44-08:00December 12th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Get ready for taxes: Here’s what to know about getting a tax refund

Tis the Season

With the holidays in full swing, taxes are probably the last thing people are thinking about right now, and that's ok. Enjoy the holiday season. But, if you have a tax issue that is nagging you and causing depression this holiday season, come in for a consultation to at least come up with a game [...]

By |2019-12-11T17:42:33-08:00December 11th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Tis the Season

Get ready for taxes: Here’s what to know about the amount of a tax refund

After filing their tax return, a taxpayer will know whether they are receiving a refund. Sometimes, however, a taxpayer’s refund will be for a different amount than they expect. Here are some reasons a taxpayer’s refund might be less than they thought it would be: • Financial transactions happening late in the year can have [...]

By |2019-12-10T17:20:55-08:00December 10th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Get ready for taxes: Here’s what to know about the amount of a tax refund

The Pros and Cons of Standard vs. Itemized Tax Deductions

According to the Business section of US News dated December 9, 2019, "While you don't have much choice when it comes to paying taxes, you can benefit from significant deductions that reduce the amount you owe Uncle Sam." Standard Deduction To compensate for the loss of personal exemptions, the standard deduction was nearly doubled for [...]

By |2019-12-09T16:59:26-08:00December 9th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on The Pros and Cons of Standard vs. Itemized Tax Deductions

Interest rates remain the same for the first quarter of 2020

The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning Jan. 1, 2020.  The rates will be: 5% for overpayments [4% in the case of a corporation]; 2.5% for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000; 5% for underpayments; and 7% for large corporate underpayments. Under [...]

By |2019-12-06T19:24:39-08:00December 6th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Interest rates remain the same for the first quarter of 2020

Adults can pass on these tips to teach teens online safety

Adults teach their kids how to drive, balance a checkbook and cook. It’s also a good idea to teach younger users how to explore the internet with caution. All internet users should be mindful of risks people can take when they share devices, shop online and interact on social media. Teens and younger users – [...]

By |2019-12-05T17:02:22-08:00December 5th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Adults can pass on these tips to teach teens online safety

Here’s how taxpayers can avoid the hooks of phishing scams

Knowledge and awareness. Those two things can protect taxpayers and their family members from getting caught up in a phishing scam. A phishing scam is often an unsolicited email or a website that looks like a legitimate site designed to trick users. The scams convince people into providing personal and financial information. Scam emails can [...]

By |2019-12-04T16:53:42-08:00December 4th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Here’s how taxpayers can avoid the hooks of phishing scams

Get ready to take the guesswork out of paycheck withholding

The tax filing season is quickly approaching. With that in mind, taxpayers should remember there’s still time to make an estimated or additional tax payment to ensure their tax withholding is still accurate. Those who need to make an estimated tax payment for 2019 should remember that the fourth quarter payment is due Wednesday, January [...]

By |2019-12-03T20:56:24-08:00December 3rd, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Get ready to take the guesswork out of paycheck withholding

Cyber Monday shopping list should include safeguards against online thieves

For many shoppers, Cyber Monday kicks off the holiday season. For some online thieves, ‘tis the season to take advantage of having so many people shop online at once. They steal shoppers’ personal information and package it as their own. Some might call this a total Grinch move. It is advised for shoppers to take [...]

By |2019-12-02T17:19:48-08:00December 2nd, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Cyber Monday shopping list should include safeguards against online thieves
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